PTA Meeting

2023-2024 GT COLLEGE SEC PTA 3rd Committee Meeting

2023-2024 GT COLLEGE SEC PTA 3rd Committee Meeting

The PTA 3rd General Meeting for 2023-2024 was held on 15 March, 2024. Chairperson Gigi Leung reported the committee’s past and upcoming activities and our current financial situation. Mr. King Lau presented our students’ achievement and discussed the changes that might incur in the upcoming G10 IB preparation class.

2023-2024 GT COLLEGE SEC PTA 2nd Committee Meeting

2023-2024 GT COLLEGE SEC PTA 2nd Committee Meeting

PTA 2nd General Meeting for 2023-2024 was held on 5 Jan, 2023. Chairperson Gigi Leung reported the committee’s past and upcoming activities and our current financial situation. Mr. King Lau and Mr. Jerwa Ip presented our school’s events as well as our scholarship and financial aid programs.

2023-2024 PTA 1st General Meeting

2023-2024 PTA 1st General Meeting

The PTA 1st General Meeting for 2023-2024 was held on 27 Oct. 2023. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson explained the overview of the PTA’s current financial status and of the upcoming activities for the school year.

2022-23 Secondary PTA Annual General Meeting

2022-23 Secondary PTA Annual General Meeting

The Secondary School Parent-Teacher Association’s Annual General Meeting for the academic year 2022-2023 concluded successfully on October 6. Chairperson Ms. Gigi Lee extended her heartfelt gratitude to all PTA committee members, scout leaders and parent volunteers for their dedicated contributions during the year. PTA would like to thank Senior Broadcaster […]

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2022 -2023 Secondary PTA 1st General Meeting

2022 -2023 Secondary PTA 1st General Meeting

PTA 1st General Meeting for 2022-2023 was held on 28 Oct. 2022. After a round of self-introduction by all the Committee Members, Chairperson Ms. Gigi Lee presented the current PTA financial situation and explained the upcoming PTA activity plans for the upcoming year. To see more photos, please visit our […]

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2021-2022 Secondary PTA AGM

2021-2022 Secondary PTA AGM

The Annual General Meeting for 2021-2022 was held on 14 Oct. 2022.  Chairperson Ms. Jessie Lee would like to thank you all the Committee Members and volunteers for their hard work and support for the past year in the midst of the many difficult challenges. Ms. Gigi Lee (11A) and […]

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2021 -2022 Secondary PTA 3rd General Meeting

2021 -2022 Secondary PTA 3rd General Meeting

PTA 3rd General Meeting for 2021-2022 was held on 15 Jul. 2022. Chairperson Ms. Jessie Lee and teacher representative Mr. Jerwa Ip presented PTA and school’s current situation. To see more photos, please visit our Photo Album.

2021 -2022 Secondary PTA 2nd General Meeting

2021 -2022 Secondary PTA 2nd General Meeting

PTA 2nd General Meeting for 2021-2022 was held on 31 May, 2022. Chairperson Ms. Jessie Lee presented the meeting agenda and current PTA financial status during the meeting. Due to the pandemic lockdown in the beginning of the year, a few planned PTA activities were either cancelled or postponed. Chairperson […]

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2021-2022 Secondary PTA 1st General Meeting

2021-2022 Secondary PTA 1st General Meeting

PTA 1st General Meeting for 2021-2022 was held on 12 Nov. 2021. Chairperson Ms. Jessie Lee presented the current PTA financial situation and explained the upcoming PTA activity plans for the year. To see more photos, please visit our Photo Albums.

2020-2021 Secondary PTA Annual General Meeting

2020-2021 Secondary PTA Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for 2020-2021 was held on 28 Oct. 2021. Ms. Jessie Lee and Ms. Gigi Lee continued to hold the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson offices of the Secondary PTA for this term. Ms Jessie Lee would like to thank all the Committee Members for their hard work and […]

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2019-20 Secondary PTA AGM

2019-20 Secondary PTA AGM

2019-20 年度中學部家長教師會 2020年10月9日 感謝各位出席週年大會的委員和家長,亦感謝學校和義工家長於不同崗位上的協助。 當日順利投票選出本年度主席 9C班李翠娟女士Jessie 和副主席 9E班李緯芝女士Gigi。 要查看更多照片,請瀏覽相片庫 (鳴謝攝影義工家長 : 11D 黃靖荇媽媽)

2019 -2020 Secondary PTA 3rd General Meeting

2019 -2020 Secondary PTA 3rd General Meeting

優才(楊殷有娣)書院2019-20年度中學部家長教師會第三次常務委員會會議會議日期 : 2020年6月5日(星期五)會議時間 : 7:00pm –8:30pm會議地點 : 優才書院四樓禮堂

2019-2020 Secondary PTA 1st General Meeting

2019-2020 Secondary PTA 1st General Meeting

家教會 – 2019-2020 年度第一次常務委員會會議 會議日期:2019 年 12 月 12 日(星期四) 時間:晚上 7:00 至 9:00 地點:優才書院一樓演講廳室 會議議程: 1. 各班代表及老師委員自我介紹 2. 推選常務委員會職位 3. 財務匯報 4. 本年度活動計劃及資助項目 5. 校方匯報 6. 其他事項 7. 下次會議日期

2018-2019 Secondary PTA 4th General Meeting

2018-2019 Secondary PTA 4th General Meeting

日期: 2019年5月17日(星期五) 時間: 晚上7時至9時 地點: 將軍澳校舍一樓演講廳 會議議程: 1. 通過上次會議記錄 2. 校方匯報 3. 財務匯報 4. 本年度活動計劃及資助項目 5. 其他事項 (校服問卷調查報告) 6. AGM 籌委

2018 -2019 Secondary PTA 3rd General Meeting

2018 -2019 Secondary PTA 3rd General Meeting

日期: 2019年3月22日(星期五) 時間: 晚上7時至9時 地點: 將軍澳校舍一樓演講廳 會議議程: 1. 通過上次會議記錄 2. 財務匯報 3. 本年度活動計劃及資助項目 4. 校方匯報 5. 其他事項 6. 下次會議日期